Self Managed Super Funds

Build a Brighter Future With our Expert Help

Skybridge Financial uses the latest cloud technology to provide top-quality SMSF services. We have our own AFSL license which enables us to deal with all aspects of your super in-house, making us faster, more accurate and more convenient than other providers.

Set Up and Establishment

Our experts will help you with all the administration involved with setting up your SMSF. We’ll ensure all paperwork is completed and filed so you’re all set to start maximising your investment potential.

Skybridge Financial attends to all aspects of the set up process including:

  • The Trust Deed, supporting minutes, and documentation
  • Australian Tax Office applications for a Tax File Number and Australian Business Number for your SMSF
  • Establishment of your Cash Management Account
  • Completion of rollover forms for existing superannuation balances
  • Incorporation of Trustee Company if required
  • Set up Bare Trust structure if the SMSF is going to borrow to acquire residential property

Annual Compliance & Administration

The ongoing obligations of an SMSF can be complex. We ensure you’re always compliant and that your investment is reported on accurately and efficiently, in accordance with current regulations.

Skybridge Financial attends to all of the following compliance requirements:

  • Preparation of annual financial statements
  • Preparation and lodgement of Income Tax Return with the Taxation Office
  • Preparation of annual Trustee resolutions and minutes
  • Facilitation of annual audit of the SMSF
  • Preparation of all required documentation to support the commencement and payment of pensions in the SMSF

Outstanding Support with our Investment Portfolio Service

As a Skybridge Financial client, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your personal advisor is only a call away to help you deal with issues and seize opportunities as they arise.

We treat all our clients as individuals, and will help you to structure your SMSF in a way that helps you to achieve your financial goals. We’ll review your needs and objectives annually, and provide regular updates on your portfolio performance.

When you choose Skybridge Financial to manage your SMSF we give you total control, and all the advice and support you need to create a successful financial future.

Ready To Gain Control Over Your Super?

Skybridge Financial gives you the tools you need to gain clarity and control over your money. With the help and support of our team of financial experts you can grow your personal wealth and build an income for your retirement.

Book Your Free Consultation



Information we are required to Disclose to You 

As a Tax Agent our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you: 

  1. Matters that could significantly influence your decision to engage us (or continue to engage us) for a Tax Agent Service from 1 July 2022 onward include the following:
    • None Applicable
  2. The Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
  3. If you have a complaint about our Tax Agent services, you will need to contact your Accountant in the first instance with details by email. If they are unable to resolve your complaint within 3 business days, please contact Jason Birch – Managing Director by email at . Your complaint will be investigated by Jason Birch. We will provide you with email acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint and our understanding of the circumstances. The email will inform you that we will attempt to resolve your complaint with 14 days and will outline the dispute resolution process. If you are unhappy with the outcome that we propose to you, you can then make a complaint to the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) using the link listed above. The TPB will send you an email to acknowledge the receipt of your complaint and review and risk assess your complaint. If you are unhappy with how the TPB has dealt with your complaint, the above link includes details about your review rights and who can further assist you.